Bomdila Monastery

Image Source: stories image

The Bomdila Monastery turned into inaugurated withinside the 12 months 1965.

Over the years, this centre of meditation and spiritual exercise has visible many well-known Buddhist Lamas

priests to have visited the monastery for the sake of enlightenment.

In fact, the monastery has now no longer taken tons time to emerge to

be one in all the largest traveller sights in Bomdila.

It is thought that this temple is surely a duplicate of the Tsona Gontse Monastery, positioned in Tibet.

According to the legend, the Bomdila monastery turned

into initially built via way of means of the twelfth reincarnation of Tsona Rinpoche.

The monastery contributors specifically exercise Mahayana Buddhism.

Recently, a huge corridor for prayer has been brought to the unique structure.

One of the primary sights of the region is the Buddha Temple, that is located in the premises of the monastery.

The monastery contains of 3 elements in total.

Image Source: stories image