Marine National Park, Jamnagar

marine national parkmarine national park

Marine National Park

Here in Kutch Bay, India’s first marine wildlife sanctuary and marine national park were created in 1980 and 1982 respectively. This was a leap in social and governmental perceptions of how to interact with the natural world. The sanctuary covers 458 km, of which the park covers 163 km.
The reserve is located in the intertidal zone between low and high tides, submerged at high tide and exposed at low tide. This provides the opportunity to observe some of the most diverse marine habitats in the country, including salt marshes, wetlands, rocky shores, tidal flats, streams, estuaries, sandy beaches, coral reefs and mangroves. The latter two of them are not only an integral part of the local environment, but also part of the stability and diversity of the planet. Unfortunately, they are severely degraded in many parts of the world. The scarcity of pristine mangrove forest reserves remaining during the 2004 tsunami dramatically highlighted the importance of these reserves compared to open and vulnerable areas.
Pilotan, Narala, Ajad and Pojthala are home to some of the finest reef-surrounding islands that often surprise even Gujaratis. There are 52 types of coral, 42 hard and 10 soft. Corals are made up of millions of small, colorful animals called polyps, which are made up of algae and other plants in a variety of attractive shapes and structures. Polyps exhale carbon dioxide, stationary plants release oxygen, and have high nutrient turnover comparable to tropical rainforests. Rock formations provide refuge and safe breeding grounds for a variety of small marine life that hide from larger predators.

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A brief history

Here he has seven types of mangroves, which perform important functions such as maintaining the balance of salinity and freshwater systems and protecting the coast from erosion. Mangrove trees can be identified by their distinctive roots that protrude in the mud or above the water.
Mangroves are breeding grounds for colonies of critically endangered bird species such as storks, darts and black-necked ibises. These and other bird species can be found perched between branches, ready to eat fish and invertebrates that are attracted to the protein-rich leaf litter of swampy forests.Other species are shorebirds such as avosets and plovers, which are usually found in shallow waters. The third category includes fish, birds such as gulls, terns, kingfishers and ospreys, marsh he harriers, which can be seen in the open sea swooping down to catch pallas ospreys. About 80 species of birds have been recorded on these islands. At low tide each day, it’s thrilling to see the overwhelming numbers of shorebirds that congregate on the beach to feed on stranded marine life.
Marine Sanctuary is he one of the best wildlife attractions in Gujarat, showcasing the diverse marine life of the region. Marine Park is located on the south shore of Kutch Bay.
Marine National Parks provide the backdrop for the diversity of coral reef flora and fauna and mangrove growing areas. Six species of mangroves can be found in Gujarat’s marine national parks. Marine National Parks are vibrant and fascinating destinations for nature lovers.
In this region of the Gulf of Kutch, 42 different islands lie like little jewels in the middle of the Arabian Sea. The islands of the Marine National Park are a bird watcher’s paradise and a treasure trove of marine life. They are surrounded by exotic coral reefs, beautiful sandy beaches and mangrove swamps.
Of these 42 islands, the famous Pilotan Island was formerly known as Pil Jou Tan. This means the sacred place of the famous saint Khwaja Kisel Ramat Allah).

The main attractions

Marine National Park Wildlife The main attractions of the
Marine Reserve are Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Avicennia officianalis, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora mucronata and Aegicheros corniculata.
Marine National Parks are nesting grounds for many species of birds. Egrets, egrets, crested ibises, ducks, spoonbills, seagulls and red wows can be seen in Gujarat’s marine national parks. His four-horned antelope Chowsingha, the only one in the world, can be seen in great numbers here.
Dugongs – Seal-like marine life can also be found in marine reserves, along with turtles, sponges, shrimps, eels and sea urchins. The very rare Bororo species can also be seen in the park’s reserves. Here nature lovers can see jellyfish, octopuses, starfish, colorful corals, interesting marine flowering plants, seahorses, pufferfish, giant green turtles, dolphins and lobsters

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Explore Gujarat

  1. marine national park is famous for which animal

    marine national park is famous for corals and sponges, giant sea anemone, pearl oyster, Portuguese man of war, starfish, dolphin, shark, jelly fish, sea horse, octopus

  2. largest marine national park in india

    Gulf of Kutch is largest marine national park in india

  3. marine national park jamnagar best time to visit

    marine national park jamnagar best time to visit in low tide

  4. how many marine national park in india

    6 marine national park in india are Gulf of Kutch. Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Malvan Marine Sanctuary, Marine National Park, Sindhudurg district in Konkan region of Maharashtra.

  5. dwarka to marine national park distance

    dwarka to marine national park distance are 37 km

  6. marine national park jamnagar contact number

    marine national park jamnagar contact number is 089800 29321

  7. gulf of kutch marine national park famous for

    gulf of kutch marine national park famous for olive ridleys green sea turtles & leatherbacks

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